


3) アノード・カソードの清掃


4) Ar注入用パイプの清掃


5) ターゲットの取付け

 清掃が終わったら、新しく交換するターゲットを取付けます。まず、ターゲットをCu板に押さえつけながらカソードを取付けてください。カソードを時計回りに回して、しっかりと締めてください。その後、アノードも時計回りに回して取付けます。アノードの位置は、アノード・カソード間の隙間が2 mm程度となるようにしてください。この際、付属品の棒が隙間に対して、スムーズに入る間隔としてください。アノードの位置が決まったら、反対側のストッパーを時計回りに回して、アノードとストッパーをしっかりと固定します。


6) ターゲットおよびAr注入用パイプの位置調整






  • サンプル用の特別なファイルです。お客様へお渡しする納品原稿では、下記のような修正変更履歴は残らず変更後のテキストのみが表示されます。

    3) Clean the anode / cathode

     The removed anode and cathode will have a film of deposition formed on a portion of their surface (caused by the sputtering of the target). Use a rubber stone or lathe etc. attached to a leutor, to removsolve1  the film of deposition and residue. Lastly, make sure no particles attach to the surface.

    4) Clean the Ar Injection Pipe

     Residue will also adhere to Ar injection pipe (mainly at the endtip). Use a file etc. to remove any residue.

    5) Install the target

     Once you finished cleaning, attach the new replacement target. 2 Firstly, hold down the target with a Cu board to attach the cathode. Turn the cathode clockwise, to tighten it. Then, also turn the anode clockwise to attach it. Please attach the anode so to leave a gap of roughly 2mm betweenaround the 3 anode and the cathode. Use the stick provided, and slide it through the gap (it should fit in smoothly). Once the anode is in the correct position, turn the stopper on the opposite side, clockwise, and ensure the anode and the stopper are firmly in place.4 

     Once installation of the anode is complete, use a tester etc. to confirm the anode and cathode are isolated. Regarding the coaxial 5 cable, the centre will be the cathode and the surrounding, the anode. Also check the coaxial cable and the cathode body/anode body are conducting.

    6) Adjusting the position of the target and Ar injection pipe

     Make loose the stopper on the pipe held by the flange on the sputtering source. The pipe is moved towards the axial direction to adjust the position of the target, according to type of target being used. Then, also adjust the position of the Ar injection pipe accordingly.

     The sputtering source is now ready to be mounted to the chamber.

    サンプル用の特別なファイルで、納品原稿には赤字や青字といった変更履歴はありません。 赤字部分がクロスチェッカーによる修正箇所です 。
    1[ワードチョイス] [言語] 明確さのためにワードチョイスを改善しました
    2[訳抜け] 「New」が抜けており、正確性を向上するために追加しました
    3[誤訳] 誤訳を修正しました
    4[明確さと読みやすさ] 理解を深めるためにワードチョイスを改善しました
    5【専門用語のチョイス】【SME】 正確な専門用語のチョイスを使用しました。
  • 3) Cleaning the anode / cathode

     The removed anode and cathode will have a film of deposition formed on a portion of their surface (caused by the sputtering of the target). Use a rubber stone or lathe attached to a leutor, to remove the film of deposition and residue. Lastly, ensure no particles attach to the surface.

    4) Cleaning the Ar Injection Pipe

     Residue will also adhere to the Ar injection pipe (mainly at the end). Use a file to remove any residue.

    5) Installing the target

     Once you have finished cleaning, attach the new replacement target. Firstly, hold down the target with a Cu board to attach the cathode. Turn the cathode clockwise, to tighten it. Then, turn the anode clockwise to attach it. Please attach the anode so to leave a gap of roughly 2mm between the anode and the cathode. Use the stick provided, and slide it through the gap (it should fit in smoothly). Once the anode is in the correct position, turn the stopper on the opposite side, clockwise, and ensure the anode and the stopper are firmly in place.

     Once installation of the anode is complete, use a tester to confirm the anode and cathode are isolated. Regarding the coaxial cable, the center will be the cathode and the surrounding part is the anode. Also check if the coaxial cable and the cathode body/anode body are conducting.

    6) Adjusting the position of the target and Ar injection pipe

     Loosen the stopper on the pipe held by the flange on the sputtering source. Move the pipe in the axial direction to adjust the position of the target, according to the type of target being used. Then, also adjust the position of the Ar injection pipe accordingly.

     The sputtering source is now ready to be mounted in the chamber.



    3) CleanCleaning the anode / cathode

     The removed anode and cathode will have a film of deposition formed on a portion of their surface (caused by the sputtering of the target). Use a rubber stone or lathe etc. attached to a leutor, to removsolve1  the film of deposition and residue. Lastly, make sure ensure 2 no particles attach to the surface.

    4) CleanCleaning the Ar Injection Pipe

     Residue will also adhere to the Ar 3 injection pipe (mainly at the endtip). Use a file etc. to remove any residue.

    5) InstallInstalling the target

     Once you have finished 4 cleaning, attach the new replacement target. 5 Firstly, hold down the target with a Cu board to attach the cathode. Turn the cathode clockwise, to tighten it. Then, also turn the anode clockwise to attach it. Please attach the anode so to leave a gap of roughly 2mm betweenaround the 6 anode and the cathode. Use the stick provided, and slide it through the gap (it should fit in smoothly). Once the anode is in the correct position, turn the stopper on the opposite side, clockwise, and ensure the anode and the stopper are firmly in place.7 

     Once installation of the anode is complete, use a tester etc. to confirm the anode and cathode are isolated. Regarding the coaxial 8 cable, the centrecenter will be the cathode and the surrounding, part is the anode9 . Also check if the10  coaxial cable and the cathode body/anode body are conducting.

    6) Adjusting the position of the target and Ar injection pipe

     Make looseLoosen the stopper on the pipe held by the flange on the sputtering source. TheMove the pipe is moved towardsin the 11 axial direction to adjust the position of the target, according to the type of target being used. Then, also adjust the position of the Ar injection pipe accordingly.

     The sputtering source is now ready to be mounted toin the chamber.

    サンプル用の特別なファイルで、納品原稿には赤字や青字といった変更履歴はありません。 赤字部分がクロスチェッカーによる修正箇所です 。
    1 [ワードチョイス] [言語] 明確さのためにワードチョイスを改善しました
    2 [ワードチョイス] [言語] 読みやすくするためにワードチョイスを改善しました
    3【冠詞】【文法】 文法の正確性を高めるための定冠詞を追加しました
    4 [時制] [文法] 時制を修正しました
    5 [訳抜け] 「New」が抜けており、正確性を向上するために追加しました
    6 [誤訳] 誤訳を修正しました
    7 [明確さと読みやすさ] 理解を深めるためにワードチョイスを改善しました
    8【専門用語のチョイス】【SME】 正確な専門用語のチョイスを使用しました。
    9 [明確さと読みやすさ] [言語] より明確にするため言い換えることにより、明確さが改善されました
    10 [接続詞] [文法] 読みやすさを向上させるために接続詞を追加しました
    11 [前置詞] [文法] 文法的に正確に使用される正しい前置詞です




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