Director, Finance Group, Australia
Research on the Asian Financial Markets, Japanese to English translations and rewriting of finance related materials. Senior Manager, Capital Markets, IBJ Australia Bank, Sydney Relationship management of New Zealand clients and all commonwealth and state government entities throughout Australia. Marketing, pricing and documentation of domestic private placement issues. Total volume of more than AUS$30 billion in more than 100 separate issues. Marketing of euro medium term notes, US CP programmes, standby lines. Development of IBJ's custody business in Australia for Japanese investors. Responsible for negotiation and conclusion of all ISDA Swap documentation with Australian entities. Responsible for establishment and documentation of IBJ Australia Bank's Euro Debt Securities Program.
Chaired seminars presented by the Japanese Ministry of Finance on the Japanese economy and Japanese government bond markets conducted in Hong Kong, New York, Singapore, Boston and Toronto Guest speaker at many international conferences like, The Japan-America Society of the State of Washington Seattle, EU-Japan Centre for Industrial Co-operation (Tokyo), International Conference on Japanese Information in Science, Technology, Education & Commerce (Stockholm) etc.
Noted writer in the Nikkei Newspaper, Japan